Welcome to Portland, IDSA members! We love the DIY theme. A big thanks to everyone who helped to make a great conference!  Be sure and visit our neighborhood, Old Town/Chinatown, while you are here, and check out our favorite spots:

Compound (One word: Godzilla)

Ground Kontrol (Played Pacman lately?)

Tanner Goods/The Woodlands (High end design meets lumberjack)

Core77 (Minimum twelve styles of safety glasses to choose from)

Ping (Great restaurant featuring John Jays funky clock collection.  Be sure and have the pork bun.)

East (Another Skylab institution)

Someday Lounge (Always something different.  Seriously.)

Gilt Club (Great food + cool DIY lightbulb sculpture pendant)

Seven Planet (The Green General Store)

Hive Modern (Not really in Old Town anymore, but it used to be.)

Chinese Garden (Truly authentic)

FlatHED, Inc.  (If you would like to stop in an see our office while you are in town, give us a ring and we’ll set something up!)