IDSA 2017 Western District Conference

Did you know the IDSA Western District Conference will be in Portland this year? Neither did I – Dreamhost keeps putting my IDSA newsletters into the SPAM folder. But hey! It is, right downtown at the University of Oregon’s White Stag Building. The conference is April 23-24, right smack in the middle of Design Week Portland!

Speakers include Stephan Clambaneva, IDSA of Dassault Systèmes, Chirstian Freissler of Evolve Collaborative, Dickson Isaacs, IDSA of Intuit, Alan Lee of Uber Digital, Ravi Sawhney, FIDSA of RKS Design and Markus Wierzoch of Artefact.

Want to know more? Use Twitter hashtag #IDSAWDDC; visit IDSA on Facebook and LinkedIn and @IDSAdesign on Instagram.