FlatHED Open House Tuesday, APRIL 25
We are pleased to be a part of Design Week Portland again this year! We will host an open house with other firms in the NW quadrant on Tuesday, April 25 from 4 to 7 p.m. (Note corrected date.)
And capsule.urn will return to display their gorgeous designs. Hope you can stop in and say hi!
422 NW 8th Ave Ste B

Hey, who’s competing in the Core77 Sketch Jam?

Sketch of Thermal Binoculars by Larry Selbinger for FlatHED, Inc.

Recon BN10 for Flir. Design by Larry Selbinger and Wendie Siverts, in partnership with Sherpa Design
IDSA 2017 Western District Conference
Did you know the IDSA Western District Conference will be in Portland this year? Neither did I – Dreamhost keeps putting my IDSA newsletters into the SPAM folder. But hey! It is, right downtown at the University of Oregon’s White Stag Building. The conference is April 23-24, right smack in the middle of Design Week Portland!
Speakers include Stephan Clambaneva, IDSA of Dassault Systèmes, Chirstian Freissler of Evolve Collaborative, Dickson Isaacs, IDSA of Intuit, Alan Lee of Uber Digital, Ravi Sawhney, FIDSA of RKS Design and Markus Wierzoch of Artefact.
Want to know more? Use Twitter hashtag #IDSAWDDC; visit IDSA on Facebook and LinkedIn and @IDSAdesign on Instagram.
Design Week Portland Open House
For DWP, we’ll dig deep into our archives for sketches, prototypes and products to share. Don’t miss our special guest capsule.urn!
Thursday, April 21
Who knew? First National ID Day is today
[H/T IDSA] March 5, 2015 is being entered into the U.S. Congressional Record as the first National Industrial Design Day. U.S. Rep. Gerald E. Connolly declared industrial design professionals “improve our lives in every way and are worthy of our recognition.”
In the United States, product design and related services generate billions of dollars in sales and the number of U.S. awarded design patents has reached an all-time high…
Industrial designers envision the products that fill homes, offices, hospitals, schools and roads… They work in tandem with engineering, manufacturing, marketing and management leaders to create countless innovations used every day such as computers, mobile phones, music players, appliances, GPS, furniture, child safety seats and surgical equipment.
The U.S. Patent Office first recognized the term “industrial design” in 1913. The profession attracted the attention of the American public in 1927 at the Exposition of Art in Trade in New York City, with the U.S. government hailing the craft as an important “modern movement.”
#IndustrialDesignDayUS #IDSA50
Read the full press release at
Did you search for Flathead Design or Flathead Industrial Design? We spell it FlatHED; our name is a reference to the flathead fastener, not the Flathead Valley or the Flathead Engine.