When I moved to Portland, I lived downtown. I spent my first few weeks here exploring my new neighborhood. Walking the streets, taking unknown lefts and rights, wondering if it would ever feel like home. I would peek in the windows of restaurants I couldn’t afford, and smoke heavy bars…
Park(ing) Day
I used to have what I consider the best type of commute to work; I could walk. It was beautiful. I could get a little fresh air, some exercise, see the neighborhood from the sidewalk rather than flying by outside my windshield. I loved it. No worries about parking or…
Bend, Flex, Ride
I don’t personally commute via bicycle, but it’s very popular around these parts. But, for those far more fit than me, there’s this new and interesting development the bendable bike. The bendable bike, created by industrial design student, Kevin Scott, was designed to prevent thefts by enabling riders to easily…
Plastic Fantastic
The news making that buzzing sound around the water cooler is the proposed plastic bag ban in Portland. It made me wonder; what’s to become of the bags we have now? Art, of course. Which, of course, makes me wonder what of the other recyclables? Newspaper? Plastic bottles? The possibilities…
The Art of Clutter
So, my desk is incredibly messy. I admit it. There’s piles of paper, books, various office supplies taking up the space that should, ideally, be completely free. In a perfect world, I’d have a clear desk, an empty inbox, and hours to spare. In this world, though, I have a…